Let There be Chaos

A typical Delhi resident has a daily tryst and triumph on traffic. Dropping your kid to school and reaching office is a kind of war. None follows the lanes on roads and everyone is in more hurry than other. Cars move in zig zag motion changing lanes frequently.

What you do to manage your way through this chaos is only partly under your control. How a driver (whom perhaps you will never see) some 20 cars head negotiates traffic defines how you will negotiate traffic. His sudden change of lane can lead you to bang your break, accelerate or change lane. If you can make it to your office in time is dependent upon how swiftly the traffic police clears the car which turned turtle an hour ago. You can’t control most of it.

Same happens at our office and home. A random event happening beyond your control defines your further course of action. How your worthy colleague interprets, spices it up and reports to your boss a random gesture of yours in a meeting is beyond your control but it impacts you. A random event of you getting a seat with someone unknown in a metro ride can trigger a lifelong friendship.

We all have mastered the art of making sense out of totally chaotic world. We can’t make this world systematic, then why the fuss of standardising everything.

I have worked with an organisation where chaos is deliberately infused. People had and have to mandatorily change departments every 6-9 months, and none would know which department he will get next. Rapid innovation at an individual level and at organisational level spiced it up, paving way to new ideas and strategic advantage.

Problems at home or office are iridescent, having as many hues as the number of people trying to resolve them. There are no constants in life, only infinities exist, thus we should allow infinite solutions to same problem when different people face same problem at different space and time. For example, we at times tend to standardise sales process across organisation. Practically it can’t be done and should not be done. It cannot be done, one, because everyone has his own perspective and two, people do things better when they have belief in what they are doing. Standardised process does not guarantee alignment and belief.

Exponential growth comes only in chaotic environment, incremental growth can be achieved in less competitive and more systematic environment. Competition induces chaos, all look for ways and means to capture maximum market share in smallest length of time, or else someone else will do so. This leads to rapid chain reactions of new problems and new solutions to those problems. Problems don’t arise that your process was faulty, they arise that the competitor did something which forces you to change course of your action. Constant innovation comes into action. More flexible and more fluid you are, better off you will be.

At home also, don’t have many rules, do new things, and do old things in new manner. Let your kid explore new ways of doing things. Take a new way to your office every day. Do everything which makes even little sense, you will learn to innovate more rapidly.

Let there be chaos. Let there be light.

18 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Elizabeth Melton Parsons
    Feb 28, 2016 @ 01:23:19

    Organized chaos. I’ve also worked at such places and sometimes it works well and other times it is just that…chaos. But I love it. Too many rules stifles creativity.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Sharat Pathak
    Feb 25, 2016 @ 09:07:10

    Agree, and thats the unfortunate part. to be successful and more innovative we need to appreciate failures. thumbs down approach suffocates innovation. By my measure failure denotes ones ability to take risk.


  3. dr sweetyshinde
    Feb 24, 2016 @ 22:23:13

    Well, the organization will encourage chaos if it leads to sales. Any success story is read in flashback – if it succeeded, it gets an aura immediately. The same move, if failed, gets a thumbs down.


  4. Nitin
    Feb 21, 2016 @ 09:37:17

    So true. There is no traffic sense in our country. But still we are managing it. One of my friends from Germany once came to India and he just failed to imagine how people can drive in this utter chaos 😛


  5. Sharat Pathak
    Feb 21, 2016 @ 09:03:14

    Very true sir

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Sharat Pathak
    Feb 21, 2016 @ 09:01:29

    thanx for appreciation. I wish people understand respecting women is one of most important aspects of life, without which we cant progress.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Maniparna Sengupta Majumder
    Feb 21, 2016 @ 01:49:57

    Wonderful post with an innovative point of view. An absolute chaos can give rise to some new ways. But, I wish everybody would be safe (especially female folks) during the chaos… 🙂


  8. Indrajit Roy Choudhury
    Feb 20, 2016 @ 23:09:10

    An excellent post. Chaos creates urgency, and it pushes us out of the comfort zone and creates white spaces to imagine something potentially breath-taking. Some of the most disruptive innovations happened during times of need and in an environment of chaos.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Sharat Pathak
    Feb 20, 2016 @ 17:47:42

    My office is 2 km from my home. It takes 20 minutes in car. And same time if I walk. We are in habit of jams. No one honks now gets irritated.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Kamal Kothari
    Feb 20, 2016 @ 17:44:01

    A friend from Delhi visiting us said quite plainly “You have no traffic problems, wow”. And this was when we were crawling in evening traffic! Can only imagine how bad it must be for him to feel that bumper-to-bumper traffic, at least moving along, is no problem 🙂 How we adapt to situations! Well written

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Sharat Pathak
    Feb 20, 2016 @ 17:42:56

    Very true sir. In my case also I learnt the same way. And had a crash or two.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Sharat Pathak
    Feb 20, 2016 @ 17:41:03

    Adoption is key sir. How fast is another variable.


  13. Sharat Pathak
    Feb 20, 2016 @ 17:38:41

    It can cause uncontrollable chaos. But yes will lead to innovation.


  14. surindernath
    Feb 20, 2016 @ 17:24:52

    In my entire life ( and… I am not a young man ), I have not met even one Indian who learnt driving from a driving school or learnt in some kind of “training sessions”.

    All Indians learn driving only one way – from a relative or a friend- in just ONE crash course of 30 minutes duration only. And they All felt…once was more than enough and….. never looked back after that one session !!

    “Crash courses” are good but they definitely lead to more crashes !!

    Liked by 2 people

  15. Sharat Pathak
    Feb 20, 2016 @ 16:18:10

    That’s the key sir.


  16. Rajagopal
    Feb 20, 2016 @ 15:46:04

    Very relevant to a great extent. Charles Darwin put it well when he said that the most powerful organism is not the strongest but the one most adaptive to change.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Sharat Pathak
    Feb 20, 2016 @ 14:37:14

    It can cause uncontrollable chaos. But yes will lead to innovation.


  18. Vamagandhi
    Feb 20, 2016 @ 14:24:45

    Hope you don’t mean switching wives in name of chaos 🙂 Brilliant post I would say!

    Liked by 2 people

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